Thinking about life after Masters, ALREADY!

So lately in class we have been discussing FUTURE PLANS. I think its crazy that our professors are already talking to us about whether we want to get Ph.Ds. or not… when we just started our Masters. lol

So because we have been talking about it so much I’ve been thinking that I eventually (probably not right after Masters) will want to get mine. I have been thinking so much about possibly teaching Public Health at the college level… I would love to be a professor… and I love to do research. And in order to be qualified enough most have Ph.Ds.

This last week I met with my Issues in Public Health professor, Dr. Jones, at her office hours to discuss what I would need to do in order to possibly be successful in getting into a Ph.D. program.

She referred me and suggested that I join this research team here on campus. I’m really excited about joining this team. Its chaired by a professor of nursing and its called, Community Advisory Board: Homeless Issues, its a collaborative effort to assist Orange County homeless populations on the macro level.  This includes homeless providers (Mercy House in Santa Ana), homeless population policy specialists, Southern Calif. College of Optometry, CSUF Nursing Dept. members, CSUF Social Services Dept. members, The County of Orange Healthcare Agency, and the Health Science Dept.  All of our efforts will align with the Orange County Report, “Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness.”

By joining this research team I am going to get HANDS-ON experience with health and the homeless. Exactly what I wanted to do. I’m really excited.

And here is the BEST NEWS I HAVE GOT IN SUCH A LONG TIME. Some of you may know it already just by reading my Facebook, but here is the news for all of you. While I was meeting with the my professor I asked about how I can teach a class here and we planned to let me sit in on the 100-level Personal Health course next semester (for credit!) and starting next August I GET TO ACTUALLY TEACH PERSONAL HEALTH here!! 🙂 Like full on, I’m actually creating my own PowerPoint’s, Assignments, Exams, etc. I’ll have to follow the general curriculum and use the same textbook as all of the sections of Personal Health, which I expected, but can create everything else from scratch or use what is already done. 🙂 I am REALLYY excited for this opportunity and I feel blessed that she has only known me for a little over a month now and she already feels like I’d be a good candidate. I learned from a couple people in the 2011 cohort (the year before me) that really only two or three people from each cohort is asked to teach that class. Dr. Jones wants me to gain as much experience teaching an actual course to see if it is something that I really would like to do.

So this summer I’ll be preparing for teaching that course… I can’t help but want to jump the gun and start planning now! Lol

I better go… its 1am and I have A GROUP PROJECT to work on at 11:30 tomorrow morning… and I’m exhausted… Goodnight!

Love you all. ❤

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