Hey everyone! …

Hey everyone!


So sorry it has been a few weeks since I’ve blogged last!

I am not kidding when I said that my workload is going to be immense here in this program.


I’ve finally found time to write in this blog tonight… for the last 5 hours I’ve been reading 6 peer-reviewed journal articles on Assisted Suicide. I finished reading the articles, which were very very hard to read and comprehend… I’m not so sure why I chose this topic to do my controversial paper on, as it is such a hard topic, morally and emotionally… but that is part of being in graduate school, learning things that are challenging to better myself in this career.


Finally done reading so after feeling unsettled and confused as ever (as to how to write this paper!), I’ve stopped for the night. So currently I am watching The Proposal and eating ice cream.


I’M SO SORRY FOR BEING DISTANT. I figured I’d give one big apology to all my family and friends, and everyone back home and who reads my blog. I promise that I think of you daily… please don’t be offended or upset if I don’t call or write often. My to-do list is a mile long.


Its crazy, I was always super busy when I went to WOU and my to-do list was always just as long as it is now but the main difference between undergrad and grad is not the workload persei as much as it is TIME CONSUMING WORK LOAD! Its not hard either really, besides statistics- which is starting to get confusing, its just a lot of group projects, individual projects, exams to study for, and chapters of reading to do for each class that it is multiplied lol and everything seems to be due around the same time… the week of October 15th is going to be the worst…


Ahh! The joys of graduate school… and supposedly NEXT SEMESTER IS THE HARDEST OF OUR ENTIRE PROGRAM! 

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